I put several weeks into trying to figure out how to live stream earlier in Covid. I downloaded OBS, and a few other pieces of code.

Bottom line, my Focusrite 18i8 (1st generation), does not allow 'virtual wiring' of any kind. So in order to stream, there was simply unacceptable latency - of the kind that makes your head spin. Tried all kinds of ASIO workarounds and just couldn't make it work.

Then I realized I would have no audience. And the amount of work it was to try to arrange it all to work, not worth it in the least!

So, I circled back to simply recording at home for my own entertainment. I recently got so fed up with Facebook that I quit the whole thing cold turkey - deleted the account and all the data. Zap.

And facebook live streaming seems really to be the place to do this with the least amount of effort.
