First of all I apologize for the original heading in the thread. I did change it as soon as I realized what was going on. I also modified my response to what others were joking about after I realized what Matt was trying to say. We don't normally interact with children here so they are not the first thing that comes to my mind.

The post was originally made for the very reason I would not want your grand kid to see the stuff that gets put on soundcloud without our permission or knolledge. I actually was not even thinking about the kids but about the people who are normally here.

Soundcloud is a site that is used to hold many of the songs that get posted here on this site. The issue is highly relevant to keeping our younger folks and older folks for that matter from being exposed to inappropriate content when you click on a song someone here has posted.

There are any number of issues that come up with accounts like soundcloud where people store many recordings. Some recordings may very well not be appropriate for this site. The only way you have real control is to prevent linking to any other site and that is not likely to happen.

Again, for anyone I have offended I apologize. In future post I will also try to be more cognoscente of the of words I use.



New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo