Originally Posted By: Planobilly
I live in a third world country called Homestead, Florida.<...snip...>

Near the Everglades N.P. and "Robert Is Here". Homestead is not the same since the Air Force moved out and the land developers moved in.

I'm with you. I've been to GC a couple of times since my local store closed. Only for something that I can't wait for delivery from Sweetwater (MIDI cable, broken mic stand).

It's dark, there is someone who thinks he is a guitar god playing too loud, a couple of clerks looking busy and ignoring new walk-ins and the selection of cables and mic stands are lacking. More empty hooks than cables and only one regular sized mic stand that proved to be of inferior quality.

And I remember when there were 3 mom-and-pop music stores in town.

But time marches on. I no longer have a local store to support, but I get to save about 10 cents on a set of strings.

Insights and incites by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks