Venice was near the end of the time I stayed in Europe in 2018. I wanted to go to Munich to visit some friends and my wife Eva had never been to visit Salzburg. We went to Mozart's house and knock on the Well, you never know!

Venice is a wonderful place to visit. I have been there several times and if I go by car or train I like to stay in Padua at the Crown. Nice business hotel without tourist and not very expensive. Hotels in Venice are pretty pricey.

My wife's family has a house in Paris that no one lives in so I stay there from time to time. I like Paris and have a lot of friends there. Many blues musicians lived there. I use to get to play with Luther Allison a lot. I sort of watched Bernard Allison grow up. We played together in Paris a good bit. Super nice people, the both of them. Luther died in 1997. We all miss him.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo