Originally Posted By: Planobilly
Hi David,
We also were not trying to create some polished piece of work. Fun stuff between musicians we all knew.



Hi Billy, yes I know what you mean, bouncing off others when you're on the same wavelength is a joy when it gels - I always found band rehearsals more fun as we tended to suffer from red light fever in the studio!

It's great you have video of it.

Originally Posted By: CountryTrash

Oh No!!! This is just enough to get Eddie going again!!

Sorry! I started off as a drummer if that allows me any leeway? :-)


Here are a couple of programs that may help you discover what chord(s) you are playing.

Thanks Mario, I've tried a few apps and sites but they often give conflicting results - that one gave me an A6(11) so I will try that in BIAB and see if it's one of the ones I'm after.


My BIAB Songs

BIAB 2021 PlusPAK, Reaper, W10