Hi Billy.

Like Eddie, I always work in Realband and never in BiaB - to me, Realband is the hidden secret of the BiaB package.
I have a couple of problems with BiaB and the main one is exactly what you've experienced, finding a style which fits.
Once you forget about style, things get easier and you might find this exercise useful.

Try booting Realband, set a tempo and then enter your chord chart. Next open the BARS window, highlight a number of bars on the first track and hit GENERATE. Select Realdrums and experiment with a few different patterns until something fits what you want to do. Don't be too put off by the descriptions - they can sometimes be misleading and steer you away from something useful. Next, you can generate Realtracks on the following tracks in the same way. You simply pick an instrument and try it. Once again, the descriptions are a good starting point, but I often end up with a complete mix of styles. At any point in this exercise you can add in one or more of your own live tracks - you're not limited as to how many, as you are in BiaB. Sometimes, you only need say guitar, bass and drums to get a groove going.

Basically, Realband is like having your own recording studio, with a room next door full of top session musicians waiting to add the tracks you can't play yourself. If you start to think like that, instead of looking at "auto-accompaniment" you may find an easier way of working.
This is a link to a track which I put together using this method, to demonstrate Realband for Sound on Sound.


Possibly you know some of this stuff already, but just trying to be helpful.