Well in my experience with Yamaha and other arrangers, there is a midi out settings page. Here you tell it, if or not to send the backing style parts to the midi skts.
Yamahas outputs normally setup as follows:
RH part track1 (main melody instrument)
LH part track2
Tracks 3&4 will be used for the dual RH voice if there is one
Multipads track5
Drums track 10
Other style parts (string and bass phases etc) tracks 11-16
Track 9 is often use for additional percussion.
As you can see this will leave you a few tracks /channels spare for additional lines you may wish to multitrack in after making the initial performance midi file including the style parts.(EG a counter melody) make sre you are in multi track mode so as not to erase your original tracks, you should hear these playing back while you record just your new track.
Hope this helps

BIAB2021 UltraPlus,AsusN55S1Tbssd, W10/64,Akai EIEpro
Yamaha CVP405,SquireStrat, CoolsoftVMidSynth
Novatation Impulse61 Ctr kbd, Cwalk blab Kontakt
