charlie. cheers.
re. MTRs.
got me thinking in the spirit of keeping an open mind.
if the following procedure is possible linking pg products and other daws on a computer with an MTR, i'll tell other people.
devils in the details lol.

what MTR's will do this ??
1. connect MTR to win over usb. sd card instantly recognised.
2. in win set up new folder. rename win folder to song name.
add in a simple text file constantly updated with settings info and other song details as the song evolves.
3. open biab. and arrange song in biab with guide bed traks.
save biab song constantly in song folder from step 2 as song evolves.
4. export guide stereo song mix from biab to song folder
from step 2.
(i'm always doing added back ups to other devices, just in case,eg i have a startech. i often do quikie backups also to the biab usb ultrapak drive.)
5. copy to MTR sd card the guide stereo mix (bed traks) from the win song folder using mousey..
6. record added traks in MTR on the MTR sd card .
vocs/other instruments/whatever synced with the guide stereo mix now on the MTR.
all in sync.
7. when all finished on MTR, copy MTR traks back to win song folder.(from step 2).
useing mousey , so now we have in win song folder the biab stereo song guide wav. plus the MTR recorded traks. (plus the little txt win text settings file.)
8. now individually export each real trak and/or midi from biab to the same win song folder. wav's and mids.
9. open up ones favorite daw. reaper/cubase/RB/mixcraft whatever floats your boat.
and import all biab traks and MTR traks from the win song folder.
10. arrange and test mix to taste useing whatever plug ins float your boat.
11. do final stereo mixdown in daw etc etc.

i think that bout covers it.
doable charlie ?? what MTR's. ??

unfortunately as i said about my vision problems, i cant use MTR.
but the new tascam model 12 does look nice, even though i have concerns about maintenance and obsolescence down the road.

best to you.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)