yeh no oldies//power macs.
lovely rig you got. nice ram etc.
i picked up awhile back also another refurb (win) laptop with, get this , a sata port on the outside.
believe it or not i never get win 10 problems.
i guess cos i keep studio stuff off the net.

trouble is this trend to cut down on numbers of ports these days ,really bugs me. and other musos.
whereas the refurbs often have many more ports.
saw one other day , refurb, load of usb 3/sspeed ports.

if one thinks bout it , for less than 1800 bucks NOW
a studio could have a win xeon beast AND a MAC xeon beast.
if one goes the refurb route. so all b ases covered.
i buy cars the same way. save 15k by going the low mileage

i will say one thing.
if tomorrow apple brought out a 10 ghz mac mini for 900
bucks i would be all over it like i love ice cream lol.
i'm hoping now apple is going with its own custom processors
we get past these boring low ghz processors.
its like we are on a never ending plateau processor speed wise. its the darn laws of semiconductor physics of course.

best to you.
old muso.

ps just this afternoon i was talking to a heavy tech guy who, turns out is a drummer. told him bout biab and what he could do with it. he loved the idea. he is ALSO into refurbs.
he is gonna visit the pg site and suss the product out.

Last edited by justanoldmuso; 11/13/20 10:37 AM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)