Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
YOU SAID "Great thing about refurbs is they're tested before they get to your door."

i'm curious about your own gonzo refurb macs.
reason i'm asking , is, i tried a macbook awhile back at the store.
(but maybe the store had it set up wrong.)
clicked on the gband icon , and i waited and waited etc.
so i was rather surprised. i was expecting quik snappy response.

so, on your gonzo refurb macs, once you clik on say the logic or gband icon, how long before the traks display ??

My 2012 MBP Retina 15" is about 9 seconds to open Logic to my default template (1 audio track with no plugins). It's a hair faster than my monster Mac Pro I think, but not by much. Might have fewer plugins on the MBP I think.

Both machines are ~6 seconds to open BIAB.

Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso

youve got a great mac set up there with ssd's etc simon. so i'm curious.

i'm thinking of going to a dual system set up.
2 xeon refurbs loaded with ssd's.
one win , and one mac. just for giggles.
my beautifull wife , i told her bout your RME, and god bless her sher said "i'll buy it for you for xmas".
but i realloy dont need a new interface.
i might get one in new year for giggles.
but i dont like to spend a lot in case it goes on the "fritz".
(you sussed mme lol. i like to get down n dirty with tech. lol.)

I'll have to do a loopback test on the RME, see how much round trip latency I have on my 16-year-old interface on an 11-year-old computer. I did that using the built-in audio on my 2012 MBP and got 7.4ms actual round trip latency at a 64-sample buffer (for a reported 4.9ms from Logic).

Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso

i think frankly, and ive noticed this with friends systems is one reason they have win problems, is they are useing the one pc for everything. ie its used for songs and also on the net,
then the kids might pop on it doing something etc etc. so its getting used for lots of stuff and thus gets "gunked up". and of course nobody bothers to do any maintenance.
my systems are maintained.

My Mac Pro is used for my day-to-day as well as audio stuff. Still pretty quick. And Mac doesn't get "gunked up" nearly as quick as Windows does.

Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso

i'm curious to hear from other mac users also whether mini or on upwards in the range.
maybe you are operating a high end new mac. how quik to load logic or gband or biab or other audio software ?

on my win laptop i have latency right now reported of 6ms.
i can get it lower if i want , but i dont bother. i have DM of course this system is only used for song creation. nothing else.

thus simon i'm not sure win is that bad these days.

did you notice in the other thread (see you tube) slate digital have got latency down to less than 1ms in an audio interface ?.
so this is protools native territory whereby big studios typically used those avid real time interfaces.

also every new budget interface i see coming out these days claims ultra low latency.

I used to work in a studio that had a full Pro Tools HD rig with a bunch of the old 192 interfaces, 32 channels worth. Hardware latency was very minimal - the issue was when you're using a plugin that causes latency while tracking (reverb, for example) which is why we had outboard reverb even if we only used it to track.

Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso

yes the imac is nice.
but i'm "cheap" lol.
i'm sincerely hoping now that apple is useing their own arm processors processing power goes up and prices come down.
apple are missing huge revenue markets imho.

The ARM Mac Mini is the same price the previous bottom end Mac Mini i3 was. It benchmarks nearly double the i3 though.

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