As I created my mockups it seemed to make more sense to drop the Freeze moniker and instead have one option called "Regenerate Selected" and one called "Regenerate Unselected".

In the first mockup it goes like this,

1) bars 24-29 have been selected
2) REGENERATE option is chosen
3) Guitar and Soloist tracks are selected

When the REGENERATE button is clicked only bars 24-29 on Guitar and Soloist tracks will be regenerated. ALL other tracks and bars are completely unaffected.

In the second mockup it is opposite day and goes like this!

1) bars 24-29 have been selected
2) REGENERATE option is chosen
3) Bass, Piano and Drums tracks are selected

When the REGENERATE button is clicked EVERYTHING EXCEPT bars 24-29 on Bass, Piano and Drums tracks will be regenerated.