Originally Posted By: sslechta
Originally Posted By: Planobilly
The only real complaint I have about any of this software is the amount of time spent messing around with software and not playing guitar or piano.

But the good thing is once you have tight drum and bass tracks the rest will fall into place much more smoothly!

That is true Steve. I have always been able to deal with the bass track even if I have to write it out note for note in standard notation. EZbass just makes things easy. Having this new drum program is solving major issues for me.

The same issue exist playing live. If you don't have a bottom, you don't have a band.

It solves a lot of issues for me with BIAB. Once I have a bass track and drum track, BIAB becomes much less of a problem for me to use.



New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo