Yes you can rename the folder.

Be aware, unless you haven't "verified" this yet I think you will find the 32-bit version of TTS-1 is NOT working! If you recently installed Cakewalk by Bandlab then for sure you have the 64-bit TTS-1 installed (and I'm sure it works in BIAB- correct?)

But unless, before installing Cakewalk by Bandlab, you did some copying and moving of the OLDER Music Creator created TTS-1 folder from the "Shared DXi\" folder then the Bandlab install wiped out (over wrote) the 32-bit Music Creator "TTS-1.dll" file with the Cakewalk 64-bit version.

Since CW install uses all the shared folders and already installed paths - newer installs OVERWRITE older stuff.

If that's the case and you STILL want BOTH versions - then copy the current 64-bit TTS-1 folder (call it TTS-1 64, yea I know real original) to somewhere. Then re-install Music Creator, that will refresh the "TTS-1.DLL" file with the 32-bit version of it (of course Cakewalk application won't like that since you just overwrote some 64-bit apps and files with 32-bit versions). Now copy that TTS-1 folder someplace and call it (TTS-1 32 - again real original naming)

Now organize the folders however you like, but know what is where and run the appropriate regsrv32.exe (32- or 64- bit or both from either the C:\windows\SysWoW64 folder or the C:\windows\System32 folder respectively)

Pay attention to that: Remember the 32-bit installer, regsrv32.exe, is actually in the folder that APPEARS to contain 64-stuff due to its name (i.e., "sysWoW64") and the 64-bit installer is in the folder that appears to have 32-bit "stuff" (i.e., "System32")

If not sure how to do any of the above and have not mapped out a logical "how to" before you start then PLEASE LEAVE IT ALONE! I'd hate to see you install Music Creator and then Cakewalk, and perform endless rinse repeats ... one install after another chasing both versions of TTS-1 and having files all over the place - and maybe screwing up already working software.

Change topic a little: I would also like to point out a probably better GM VSTi (not DXi), Halion Sonic SE see this other thread (this might still work)

Good luck

Last edited by Larry Kehl; 12/02/20 09:37 PM.

Win10Pro,i9,64GB,2TBSSD+20TBHDDs,1080TI,BIAB'24,Scarlett18i8,Montage7,Fusion 8HD,QS8,Integra7,XV5080,QSR,SC-8850,SPLAT,FL21&others,Komp.14,IK suite&others, just a guitar player-AXE FX III &FM9T, FishmanTP, MIDIGuitar2, GK2/3'sw/GI20