Originally Posted By: Matt Finley
Originally Posted By: bobcflatpicker
Originally Posted By: eddie1261
BIAB and RB are both good at what they do. Just different. While I WOULD like to see the DAW side of things enhanced they aren't likely to do things just because ONE user wants it. (Apparently the cutoff is 3....)

You're letting your snarky side come out there Eddie! LOL
Eddie misses the mark on both sides and unless he is joking, his “3” remark is actually harmful. People need to know that PG Music responds to the suggestions it can and agrees with, even when only one person proposes the change. And I’ve already explained that the three people who prominently advocated for cut-time support had a valid music theory argument that opens the product up for use by many who play genres where they would have dismissed BIAB in the past.

Eddie isn't joking Matt. I'm relatively sure he's p*ssed that we had a legitimate problem addressed.

That doesn't justify disparaging comments about a very good company like PG Music.