Originally Posted By: Crossroads
Hi Janice, Bud & Peter,

'It's good to see you're still on top of the grass' - love that phrase !!! And it's good to hear you're still in the front line of us BIABers, too !

Great classic 12-bar-piece, exactly the way it should be.
Janice, what could I say that I haven't said before a dozen times? Your singing is just awesome. Period. Nice work on the guitar, Peter. And, Bud, if I remember it well, this is only the second time I've heard you petting that old monster (watch out for backache, man) - looks like you don't need no preparation or even rehearsing - just grab that baby, blow the dust off and here you go - sounds perfect to me.

Great sound (as always) - can't image what more a blues lover (like me) could ask for.

Loved it!

Take good care,


Thanks for all Stefan. You are very generous with your comments about the bass. I’d about forgotten how physical playing that old monster is.

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