Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
"Her voice was a song of burning
Like a bird that dwells in fire
Her hands they smoldered over me,
Like coals from a funeral pyre"

Wow...four great lines of many.

Great performances from you on everything.
Composing, arranging, performing and mixing something like
this is waaaaay above our pay grade smile

And, man, that vid is smokin'. There are so many videos
that fail to add to the song and quite a few that distract.
This one enhanced it. Really well done.

And another fine mix. You are on a roll!


Thanks, J&B, for your generous words. I always look forward to reading your comments. I'm happy you liked those lines you mentioned. I enjoyed writing and singing them. This was a fun song to put together. Really happy you liked the video too. Thanks so much! Best, Todd