Nope. It seems the one I got from Amazon wasn't a fake.

Local computer guy did some research and said a motherboard replacement is the best option for repair, and that will cost as much as a new computer.

I got a great Christmas deal at Lenovo: $3499.00 computer for $899.99. The deal is gone from the Lenovo site so I got lucky. I think it was last year's model.

Of course, I dislike getting my stuff off my old computer and into the new. The data is no problem, it's all backed up with SyncToy but reinstalling the apps involves a lot of time. But it'll be better once it's done.

Since I haven't gigged since March, I should have the time, but the roof needs tending, and I'm spending a lot of time making new BiaB products, since it's my major source of income now.

But the mortgage is paid off, the cars too, and we can survive on what we have coming in.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks