merry xmas to you, and all in this thread.
my own feelings on the subject of scientific notation.

1. i am really trying to understand , as i was reading this thread, why the lack of this method in biab is a possible "showstopper". ie some people wont buy biab for lack of it.
(it hasnt stopped loads of people all over the world useing biab and showing their songs in the user showcase.)
2. zillions of songs were done long before computers and music software.
typically , even today, after a song is arranged, in studios large and small a new vocalist will do test runs in different keys with a backing band live. then everyone sits down and assesses the best song approach and key etc.
etc etc. and any needed changes to get the best performance, and present the song in the best light.
3.. thus. haveing done the chord arrange in biab couldnt you try various test runs with whoever the vocalist is
and assess via key and arrangement choices the best solution ?
4.. my vocal method is , as follows haveing laid down the biab arrangement.
(believe me when i say i am harder on myself than anyone else might be. i'm uber critical to a fault.)
a. i export from biab into the daw a test stereo beds mix.
b. i lay down several vocal traks in daw trying different vocal styles.
figuring out what works and what doesnt. and different nuances and lyric change impacts.
all the time i'm assessing what the song needs.
c. if not happy, rinse and repeat, trying different keys etc etc.
all along i'm also testing out different voc harmonies i lay down.
ie how well do they fit in ??
the above is jusr a small sampling of methods i use , and i would respectfully suggest way more thorough than useing a vocal wizard, because i'm doing it with the actual song that my vocs will end up on.

i'm not saying i'm a brilliant vocalist. and i'm not saying i'm the worst. ive just developed various techniques over the years. ive sung in all sorts of groups from church choirs thru heavy rock. i think over the years ive sung every possible style. its all the love of music to me.
and all through that time ive never heard people discuss this subject of scientific notation. and believe me when i say ive
done songs with people way more talented than i am.
includeing brilliant conductors//arrangers//musicians.
(and i DO know when my vocs arent up to par. on some original i move on to a different song idea.

in closeing, also i feel there are more pressing feature requests that have been requested for ages by pg users.
like the "oddball" fundamental chorus feature change needed.
if its a few simple lines of code. why not ? do the feature. but, haveing worked in industry, sometimes the impacts can be more than a few simple lines of code.

merry to all.

Last edited by justanoldmuso; 12/19/20 10:53 AM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)