It is not incorrect to call Middle C, C5. A number of really big music companies do that (as my previous post points out). There are also a number of really big music companies that call Middle C, C3.

IF Middle C on the piano had one name Noel we and many others would have more time to spend on more productive things. By saying having more than one name is okay you are essentially saying that wasting time on forums discussing these things or trying to figure out what is going on is okay. I am sure you won't consider changing your name every time you post here would essentailly be doing the same thing as these companies are doing by sticking with their approach? I assume you know that answer. Poor communication. Poor communication is the biggest reason marriages fail. Is that okay too? I am sure you would think not.

I should emphasize that the first post now has an extract from one of the Wikis that says that it is okay to have negative numbers in the OSO standard.

If these companies are doing it their own way because it is easier to program then to remove the confusion (or reduce it at least) their numbering system could be changed such that there is a letter in front. So (C4 is ISO) (Ca3 is Roland) (Cb5 is Yamaha). They stick the letter in to indicate it is a different system than the ISO standard (extremely easy to program since you do it during reporting only). Not only that we can have up to 26 companies going against the standard...lol. Well there you go! Maybe I should be a marriage counselor...lol.

Last edited by bowlesj; 12/21/20 09:39 PM.

John Bowles
My playing in my 20s: