Oh Gee...lol. What the hey...lol. Lets try it.

Thanks Jim. I tried your suggestion and I pulled up a song in Audacity and exported a label.txt file. I deleted the label and imported the txt file and the label track appeared again. Cool!

Thanks Pipeline. I figured out what you abc file was and I did the abc export for a song (see png picture). I have the abc below. It is a lot more complex than your example.

I might be able to write an MS-Access script to create an Audacity label.txt file for the song. I don't have reaper. Forget Reaper. The question is when will I get the time to do this...lol. I have 8 songs on my club's Jam Schedule that I need to record my guitar parts for so we can get the songs up on AudioMack to add to the 19 we have done already (I am the "John Guitar" guy). I will put it on my to-do list :-) Another challenge. No promises :-)

Programming thoughts:
The | lines represent the bars.
The " double quotes isolate the chord symbols.
The : colons show the chorus
The loop code to start with for analyzing each line is below.
We probably can figure out the coordinates from the Q:1/4=153 and M:4/4.
The program asks for the number of chorus repeats.
Piece of cake...lol. Famous last words :-) I know form 40 years of programming there will be surprises.
The PG-Music programmers might have this done before me especially considering the other club members are waiting :-)

T:All Of Me
R:EZ Listening Acoustic Guitar w/ 
|: "CMaj7"c2 GE- E4- | E4 (3c2 d2 c2 | "E7"B2 ^GE- E4- | E8 |
| "A7"=A3 G E4 | z2 ^D2 (3E2 _B2 A2 | "Dm"G4 F4 | z8 |
| "E7"E3 ^D =D4- | D4 (3E2 ^G2 =B2 | "Am"d4 c4- | c8 |
| "D7"B3 _B =A4- | A4 (3A2 d2 =B2 | "Dm7"A8 | "G7"B8 |
| "CMaj7"c2 GE- E4- | E4 (3c2 d2 c2 | "E7"B2 ^GE- E4- | E8 |
| "A7"=A3 G E4- | E2 ^D2 (3E2 _B2 A2 | "Dm"G4 F4- | F8 |
| "F"d4 c2 =B2 | "Fm"d6 c2 | "CMaj7"B4 "Em7"E2 G2 | "A7"B6 A2 |
| "Dm7"c4 A2 c2 | "G7"e4 e4 | "C6"c4- "Ebdim7"c4- | "Dm7"c4- "G7"c4 :|
| "C69" z8 | z8 |

Modify this code to figure out each line of data.
call funcShowAscii( strTempLongShort)

Public Function funcShowAscii(strX As String)
    Dim strASC As String
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Len(strX)
        strASC = strASC & CStr(Asc(Mid(strX, i, 1))) & ""-""
    MsgBox ""ASC="" & strASC
End Function

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
A_Song.png (237.68 KB, 134 downloads)
Last edited by bowlesj; 12/26/20 06:13 PM.

John Bowles
My playing in my 20s: