Good tune! Well done and musical to boot....

I am also a trumpet player who struggles with the EWI USB! Yes, the fingering system is not the best. Actually, the EVI was WAY more effecient as a midi controller, Nyle Steiner designed it for Akai, and then when they pulled the plug, he marketed them himself, however his version looks like something a plumber put together, a giant oreo cookie!!!

The biggest issues for me on the EWI are>

Rollers don't work well, almost impossible to play the lowest octave. Some say hand cream works, but doesn't work for me.

You have to really spend a LOT of time on the bite and note sensitivity to get accurate note output.

Many users don't realize you have to have both midi IN & midi OUT checked in Aria player for it to work correctly. This doesn't make any sense, as the EWI doesn't "Output" any sound at all.

The whole "Bite to get Vibrato" concept doesn't work well and was much better on the EVI

Also, I haven't been able to get the EWI to work in BIAB. I get midi input in Reason, Pro Tools, Sibelius, etc. But not BIAB.....still trying to resolve it. Other users are having issues also. If anybody is getting it to work, PLEASE let us know how you are doing it.
