...poo,that was a close shave: On the second last day of this otherwise disgusting year I fanally revealed that long-kept secret: You MUST be Michail Dylanow, Bob's younger stepbrother who had been banned because 'one poetical genious in our family is absolutely enough'.

Misha, I'm still far from being able to fully understand those lyrics (well, when even Floyd needed more goes.. ), but that was the same with Subterranean Homesick Blues.

It's not the first time one of your songs knocks me out completely, but this one is really something special. The backing track is so unbelievably good that at first I had thought you might be Donald Fegan's lost stepbrother. Well, I could also imagine that you're a multiple personality guy.

Now I'm gonna switch off my phone and have some more listens.

Seriously: Hats off - that was just awesome.

Take good care and stay safe,
