Thank you for your generous feedback. Ohh, if you done your share of NYC subway time then you are ordained. My vox chain is fairly simple: Reverb+EQ. In very rare instances, mostly for FX: Distortion, Delay. But a condenser mic is actually what I think matters the most. I did discover one cool plugin recently that balances dynamics by Melda. I am still exploring it. I think that will be my to go "finalizer".
Thank you for listening and your supportive feedback! I like that: "Enjoy whatever happens!'
Are you aiming at schizophrenic symptoms that I might involuntary exhibited?
"I'm still far from being able to fully understand those lyrics" Me too smile
Thank you for your fun and warm feedback, that could be made into a tune by itself. Best regards to you and Maha!
Thank you for giving this time and your feedback!
Thank you for listening and your support!