Originally Posted By: Tano Music
Moto..while the BIAB components are helpful on this track, it’s really your personal talents that make it so appealing...the guitar work and vocals are outstanding.

Personally, I sometimes think that when you try to be specific in a lyric and decide to incorporate ideas, words, and phrases that are very topical, referring the listener particularly to current events, as is in this case, but it could be references to people or personal situations, or even life experiences, there is something on the artistic or poetic level that loses a little bit. I tend away from this in my own work. This is just a personal preference for me, and I’d be interested in your take on it.

Nonetheless, excellent track.

Thanks for your comments.
I'm certainly not a great musician but, I believe a great song must convey emotions that touch the listener. Although I can't quantify exactly how to do that, I believe it has usually starts with the passion of the writer of performing artist.

I understand your point of view.
Much of my music is inspired by current event so, It's always a balance of trying to capture the emotion of the moment without making it to specific.
It's kind'a like reading a news paper's report vs reading an eye witness account of events.

Yesterday's news gets old very quickly while a true story that conveys the human emotion of an observer has the potential to hold the reader's interest long after the news fades.
Politics has invaded every aspect of life these days and it seams it's hard to have any meaningful dialog with those who have apposing views, consequently I use my music to express my opinions about world affaires. I can only hope that my songs touch the listener in some way.

One other note:
Although this was clearly inspired by recent events (covid), I'm trying to bring attention to the ongoing inhumanity in the world.
Unnecessary wars, death, starvation and suffering brought about by human tribal tendencies.
So, although the song could be viewed as speaking to a single current issue, It really does speak to the ongoing human condition.

Last edited by CaptainMoto; 01/05/21 06:33 AM.