Originally Posted By: Notes Norton
What we do is a dialog with the audience. Immediate feedback, back and forth responses, I even choose the next song by judging how the one I'm presently playing is going over and doing my best to anticipate the wants or needs of the audience.

Notes, some of the online venues are interactive. Many have a chat window where the audience can chat with the musician(s). There is a delay due to bandwidth, so interacting with the audience takes a slightly different form... but those online performers who take a rest between songs, wait for the audience response then reply to specific individuals tend to get good results.

Everything has pros and cons. The advantages of online performing include:
1) a covid free environment

2) a way to keep your show fresh

3) a potentially global audience

4) most online sites include tipping, so you can also make money

5) there are MANY online venues... so many you could play all day every day if you wanted to
FB Live, Twitch, StreetJelly.com, Stageit.com, sessionslive.com and many more

6) the audience for online music has expanded due to global lockdowns. Everybody is online.