Originally Posted By: Rustyspoon#
Ray wow, completely different feel! Bob done a spotless job on this. Very confident! Mix / mastering is VERY good. "medicinal smelling tune" LOL! It is always interesting to see people in action, video helps. Thank you for sharing.
P.S. Side note... I think vocals are a bit too "clean" for the genre. Could use some mojo / tube goodness, to make it slightly fuzzy.

I was VERY happy with your version - except for the lead guitar.
Yes, Bob's lead work on this really lifts it.
I've used saturation and distortion on Tony's voice before - to good effect - he sang on Algorithmic Reality that featured you & Katya, but he'd only just recovered from a vocal chord injury and was keen to do a clean performance that demonstrated to himself that he'd recovered. I didn't have the heart to scuzz it up on him after that.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe