If you want to make a living by playing music, you have to treat it as a business. A business you may love the work at, but if you neglect the business, you will need a day job or a wife that is willing to and can support you.

That means learning the songs your audience wants to hear, entertaining your audience, and learning new songs as they become popular with your audience. It means both practicing and rehearsing (there is a difference) so you can play every song you do to the absolute best of your ability.

It also means being professional in everything you do. Show up on time, don't take long breaks, be easy to get along with, dress appropriately, and work for the benefit of the entity that hired you.

There are a lot of people that don't understand this. I don't mind them so much, because that makes my music business appreciated by the entertainment purchasers.

And anyone who actually believes COVID-19 is just like the flu has been brainwashed by propaganda outlets pretending to be news media.

As far as Facebook is concerned, I don't hear the whining.

I quit Facebook after the Clinton/Trump election.

When I found out they were using bots to read everyone's posts, read everyone's private messages, log the likes/dislikes and use that information to decide what fraudulent 'news' articles to send them with the intent of rigging a US election, I deleted my data and left.

I don't care if they were trying to elect the candidate I wanted to win or the candidate I wanted to lose, using fraud to influence an election is not in my set of values. I decided that if I continued to let FB profit by selling my information, I would become an accomplice to fraud. That isn't in my set of personal values so the only thing for me to do was to wipe my data and get out.

I know this hurt by business, because I used FB for advertising, but I just had to follow my conscience.

And I found out that life without Facebook is actually better.

Insights and incites by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks