Originally Posted By: rharv
If RB is the controller, you could write the sequence there, but the Juno probably has some preset arpeggio patterns that may speed up the process.

If it were me, I may create the arpeggio on the Roland, then record it (MIDI) to RB using RB clock via Focusrite MIDI, so I could still have the flexibility of the RB clock later, etc.

Then you can slow down song or speed it up and the pattern would just 'work' in the future ... on any synth you assign it to
But that's just me.

There is so much MIDI in and out there that my head almost exploded. To write it in RB would mean I have to step write MIDI note numbers and events. Then I have to figure out how to send that note and event data back to the Roland to play it with the patches in the Roland. Also keep in mind that the idea here is to NOT lug a computer if I ever play anything out live. Recording it is one thing. Playing it live is another.

The Roland DOES have sequences but out of the 16 of them that come preprogrammed, 14 of them suck.

This is going to take some schoolin' here to sort out who should control what and from where. I have very little experience with MIDI in a DAW. Live, yes. My live rig was a MIDI marvel. This is a whole different animal. I am not doing things like reorganizing the studio room, measuring for cables after the reorganization, getting out the magnifying glass to try and read the small print for stuff that I want to power with AC adapters and buying them....

This is what it looks like now. It looks like something from 13 Ghosts because this is the infra red from the camera.

On the right are the 2 Ensoniqs. Om the 3 tier top shelf is the Roland, the Korg and a mixer. The Nord in the middle, and M-Audio controller on the bottom. It looks really low because when I use it I am sitting in the computer chair.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.