Hi Andrew

Your last communication sums it up as it is at the moment, I have downloaded and installed 9.0.40 for cubase and it doesn't seem to make much difference, it seems a little pickier about letting go of the AI and I definitely have to have the box relating to release when prog in background UNTICKED. There must be other fixes in that update that I have not yet come accross.
Regards updating my cubase, Do I take it you mean updating my current 9.0.40 for further updates or did you mean upgrading to later version than cubase 9 ? I thought that they would not offer to support my current prog and they want me to move to 11 (naturally) but I'm a bit worried that it would not run on W7 regardless of the cost. I have been told by Darren Jones who writes books on cubase that he thinks CB 10.5 would run on W7.
I don't feel that I can go for a wholesale upgrade through to new hardware at the moment so I'm thinking I will try and work round it as you've suggested.
I would be happy for you to try a remote look but I feel I've been monopolizing your time a bit lately, if it was a possibility, how would the logistics work, I would have thought that a phone link would have been essential not to mention working round the time difference.
Please let me know if you think it's a possibility, thanks for your time I'm very grateful that you are able to put up with an 'Old Duffer' like me.
Just as another quick possible fly in the ointment as I am not a keyboard player my MIDI set up is not complete, the Zoom handles midi but as its not got any keyboard functions the MIDI out is 'inactive' in CB parlance, I'm hoping that is not a relevant to this problem?
Thanks again