Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
Wow! Where to start? That was awesome!

First of all, Janice takes every song out of the park.. they're all home runs as soon as she gets involved!
LOVE the cello in this project... from the first few notes of the song it sucked me into the mood, like a whirlpool for the senses.

I thoroughly enjoyed the instrumental passages between verses. Especially the little bit before the last verse. Very nice use of the musical real estate.

The thought occurs to me as I listen to the lyrics that each generation has its own version of viewing and romanticizing relationships. This song, I would say, portrays my generation's point of view. Romantic songs written by young 'uns are different in a way I haven't yet analyzed well enough to articulate.

Tommy, you have the magic. Every musical idea you touch is brought to perfect fruition. I never hear anything by you that even suggests maybe it could be a little bit better if only you would change this or that. You know how to resolve an idea musically, and that is a wonder to experience.

Hats off to both of you. I'm expecting you'll both be famous any day now.

Pat, not only is it great to “talk” with you again but also to read your kind remarks about my vocal. Your songs reviews are always a joy to read and very much appreciated.

Thank you and take care!
