Hi Noel,

Interesting information. Exosomes have been known about for sometime and experimentation using them for cancer has been around for a while.

Let's hope their current use in treating certain aspects of Covid-19 prove to be useful without other side effects.

CD24 is a highly complex subject. Here is an article in Nature. https://www.nature.com/articles/cmi2009119

There are several well known sources of respected peer reviewed medical information. Nature is one of them. The largest are The Lancet, New England Journal Of Medicine, BMJ, JAMA and several others.

It would have been nice to have some access to the science of Prof. Nadir Arber claim and use of CD24.

Here is a link to the actual phase one study. The study was posted but there was no results posted.https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04747574

If you want to read about the many aspects of Covid-19 go here or look up The Lancet also, https://www.nejm.org/coronavirus


EDIT: If you read the article Noel referred to the term "Cytokine storm" was used. Here is a link to what that term actually means.
Cytokine storm and the prospects for immunotherapy with COVID-19

Last edited by Planobilly; 02/18/21 06:21 PM.

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