I like Calcium Chloride up here as opposed to salt as far as safety.
Works in below zero weather.

"drops to the teens at night" .. I'm pretty sure we only got to the teens in the daytime with a bright sun for the last week.
And wind .. live by one of these lakes for a while .. <grin>
I have an attached garage and the beer in the garage is getting chunky (frozen).

I ain't complaining, except that I had to shovel snow enough to get one of the SUVs out to go get a new snow blower; the last one gave up the ghost when this storm hit.

A few handfuls of Calcium Chloride pellets will melt things real good, and keeps them melted.
Salt works in December, but by February it gets iffy. Don't get the Calcium (or Magnesium or Potassium) Chloride flakes, get the pellets, learned that lesson over the years. The flakes seem to just melt away on top, but the pellets eat through the ice/snow to the bottom. Works much faster than salt too.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome