As far as wearing masks, closing restaurants, social distancing, quarantines, etc it is all about control. We are losing our rights. If the above worked then the Wuhan virus would have been gone by now.

Hi Mario,

With respect, I just want to say that from my own personal experience, wearing masks, closing restaurants, social distancing, quarantines, etc., worked extremely well in my home state of Victoria (Australia).

Mid-July, Australia hit the benchmark of 400 positive COVID cases in the previous 24 hours.


Nearly all Australia's cases were in Victoria. On the 5th of August, we were up to 725 positive cases in the previous 24 hours.

That was when Victoria's Chief Health Officer adopted Stage 4 lockdown. It covered all those things you mention plus a few other things. By the beginning of November, we had zero community transmission of covid.

As a comparison...

On June 11, France published: "Over the last 15 days France has reported a daily average of 639 new confirmed cases."


The French followed a different plan and on the 4th of November, 40,000 new cases were reported in the previous 24 hours.

We tamed COVID because we adopted wearing masks, closing restaurants, social distancing, quarantines, etc. We all acted with complete confidence in the medical advice and just focused on getting the job done. It worked.

The image below shows Australia's and France's COVID situations today, the 24th of February 2021.

When I look at those numbers below, it's hard to believe that France and Australia weren't so different around June/July last year.

Australia's population is 25 million and France's population is 67 million (around 2.7 times more). To scale France's numbers to Australia... If Australia had followed the approach that France used, our numbers would be around: (a) 1.3 million cases; (b) 31,300 deaths.

In all honesty, I'm very thankful for living in a country that listened to and acted resolutely upon the advice of experts.


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