Yeah this is truly a matter of taste. I watch hockey, soccer, rugby, football and baseball. I watch The First 48. I watch the 1st responder shows. I watch some Food Network stuff because I cook. I don't watch news on TV. Everything on TV news has happened already and I know about it. Same reason I don't get a newspaper. I am not in the Luddite community that has some anal attachment to "yonder days" sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee reading a newspaper for 2 hours. Talk about wasting time. That all happened already and I saw it on that newfangled thing called the internet. Spectrum has a service where you get a core package of stations and then 10 you pick. It's 35 bucks a month. They have NFL Network, which is a must, NBC Sports (hockey, soccer and rugby), and the ESPN channels. I don't watch network TV. Stuff like The Voice (if you do some deep dive research, you will find that the winner is already selected - it's not fixed, but it IS decided already. All the cute banter you see if scripted.), American Idol, is pretty much exploitation TV. The 2 year contracts those kids sign is borderline slavery. That's why you seer them singing at car dealerships and malls. All the reality TV stuff is BS. The one showing how hard it is to live in Alaska is filmed in Seattle, with establishing shots of Alaska edited in. So I don't watch any of that stuff. 90% of my TV is sports. The rest is 1st responder shows. Even some of those... Court TV ran a case in "Chandon Ohio" (It's actually CHARDON Ohio but nobody fact checked it) about a kid who took a gun to his high school and shot a bunch of people. They hyped that clip for FOUR WEEKS like it had just happened. Well, Chardon is 40 miles from Cleveland where I am from, and that crime happened in 2012!!! A&E Network is notoriously bad for reusing content. They have repackaged the content from The First 48 3 different times in order to call them new shows, and sell full priced advertising, but I have a really good memory and as soon as the prologue of an episode comes on I remember the case, the city, the detectives who worked it and the suspect's name. (Yet I sometimes forget where my car keys are.) They haven't had actually new cases for 3 years.

But, like I said in the other post, it's mainly background noise for me. Half the time at least I am playing backgammon against the computer with the TV on for noise. I have hundreds of movies and concerts on the computer attached to the bedroom TV so I can listen to a concert as I drift off to sleep. Watched The Cure on ACL the other night. Robert Smith may be weird, but he writes great songs. I really like that post punk period.

Last edited by eddie1261; 03/03/21 08:45 AM.

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2. Send it to us.