Originally Posted By: Larry Kehl

You are probably a great guy and a great picker. You probably don't beat your wife or kids or dog or shoot at Trump supporters (even if you have an urge to) - you probably at your core a nice person

BUT ....

I usually stay out of these but this one is the straw, especially this week. This is like a broken record of “here we go again.” Can you not STAY 100% ON MUSIC on this site? Can't you skip the thinly-veiled politics, the WOKEness, the not so subtle low-decible whispers about America being bad if not downright evil, blah, blah, blah or whatever it is you always seem to flick off your finger here eery now and then.

You always seem to be able to find some way to track crap into the house. Most of the time it’s just tiny, little, minuscule (see redundant) sized mouse turds but turds nonetheless, they are. from my perspective they are only meant to dig and prod and to show, I assume, moral superiority and how woke you are and how bad/evil America is (that's usually where these end up). It seems you throw these out for effect, like an artillery officer seeing what damage the next volley will do.

That’s all I can think especially when there are thousands of other sites, echo-chamber sites at that (those cesspool places like Twitter and Facebook and Instagram come to mind), for you to join so you can bemoan the state of America. You seem to be simply stirring a pot here, a music site, to see which chunks float, which sink, and which just stay in the mix and on the sidelines.

If no one comments or jumps in you must feel vindicated. If you do get echo chamber support here (aka bubba's doing the POB [pat on back] thing), again you and they must feel vindicated - not sure what that accomplishes but, OK.

However, if anyone disagrees or has a non-parallel view with you, you simply get on some holier-than-thou horse, or another (genus) Equus animal, and throw out a few trite aphorisms.

for the record, the CREEPY person, in this case, isn’t the drunk-on-his-butt dude out with his buds late at night coming home and talking to EACH OTHER and no one else - but the crime of the century was he was over heard!

No the sick perverted individual is the gustapo, Big Brother, Trotskyite, Child of the Cultural Revolution creep who had to have had (has?) 24/7 surveillance set up to even CATCH those almost inaudible and fleeting words, across a lot, at that hour between two drunk buds! For all, I know that "neighbor" also captures inappropriate pictures of little girls in his neighborhood.

Here watch some actual black people “react” to it! (and this is just TWO) - you ain’t gonna like their politics either!



And Mario,

Music hasn’t been music in MANY decades, let alone country music not being country music.

No, sorry, I won't be monitoring to reply

Peace and good luck to all, I truly do mean all


apologize me but i have to make and OT in a Off Topic section...!..:
this is for Larry:
i'm very interested in a yr old topic on the forum:
i'd like to know if there sould be a way NOT to have the soundbanks placed in the default path:
i'm on desktop win 10 home 64 20h2
cause i've a portable vers. of gp7 and i want to have it fully portable so not to have installed the soundbanks in their default path c\programdata;
i see that if i move the arobas music folder ,in which there is the sub folder soundbanks,
which is in c\programdata
and i put it in my portable gp7 folder that i've placed in my N\ ,partition internal hdd of my pc,
then i'm not able to hear any sound at all,
then if i re-place it in the default c\programdata path i'm able again to hear the sound,
so my question is:
is there a workaround…??..if yes i pray you to explain it to me..
thxs so much indeed in advance

end OT
i apologize to you all for my incursion...
pls forgive me..

Last edited by p060477; 03/16/21 11:50 AM.