This song has a strong heartbeat! Man, it just has such an awesome chug to it. Strengthening the snare the way you did, is helping frame an already really nice groove.

Janice's vocals, as usual, are everything to write home about. I've never heard that phrase before; but it popped in my I'm running with it. The fact that it never popped in my head until now, must be saying something! wink

We've all heard of auto-tune. I'm coining the term "Janice-Tune." That's when a voice is talented enough to be able to play with a melody by dancing around the scale so effortlessly in a way no machine could even begin to "understand" or map. THIS is everything that is human and authentic about her vocals. It's the human connection that I don't hear enough from others. I know a lot of singers; but she IS the song.

Peter's guitar-Wow! You have all of the meat and potatoes; but those spices you are seasoning with show the workings of a master chef. I Especially like the Solo with more of those "spices" thrown in between your main phrasing. Interesting, complimentary tones; but contrasting enough to add variety. Peter, you knocked it out of the park. That solo section sounds, to me, like a great lead singer with those exception background vocalists as well. I'm just floored by how good this is.

Mix-Oooo...I like this mix! Again, I can hear everything! However, nothing is competing against anything in the mix. NOT easy to do. It sounds effortless, which means, someone took some time on this mix right now, AND the years leading up to this mix. wink It is mixed with the ears of a seasoned and learned student of the craft. I know I mentioned the grove already, and part of it is constructing it instrument/sample wise. But just as big of, if not bigger, part is mixing that to work. And man does it work! Kudos for making that what it is. An in the pocket, confident, drummer sitting back there, laying it down for the band. (Hey, I still see the band in every cut you three do.) Lastly, a quick tip of the hat to the cymbal sound. They have that non-abrasive sheen sound to them. As strange as this will sound, cymbals are typically an abrupt interruption to what otherwise is a flowing piece of music. Have you ever noticed when something sticks out to much in a drum loop, it's that damn crash cymbal? Yeah...there's non of that here. In fact, these cymbals kind of sound almost "pretty." I dig that sound! You got it!

Lyrics-simple lyrics that are not at all simple to write. Nice rhymes with clever writing to make them not so ​common. Well done lead up content does that so well!

So many problems, oh, I need a little distance
Been running ‘bout a quart low on patience
Gonna try that ole path of least resistance

Album art-Brilliant! I honestly thought it would have a smokey look to it. Instead, it's someone standing literally on the edge! Obviously someone that has been doing some walking; with the walking stick in hand. In the woods...getting that much needed distance. You checked so many boxes with this. So cool!

I guess one big advantage of all of this online music stuff is even if someone comes to a thread late, they still can hear such wonderful works whenever they are able to. "Someone" and "they" being me. smile

So overall, yeah it was "ok." Ha! I'm sure you can tell I REALLY. REALLY enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing it.


(Speech to text with no editing)

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.