Hi all,

on my way to accomplishment, I still struggle with basic things :-(

My quest this evening was adding a midi melody I already have in an existing midi file to a Biab backing track, that I generate with the plugin verion of Biab. That works fine.
Only the midi track in my DAW seems to always move back the volume when I start the song from the beginning.
I have a nice accordion kontakt library running on this midi track and even I move the instrument volume up. As soon as I start the song again, it resets the volume to very low (hardly to hear).

How can I get rid of this behaviour?
I think there are some midi data resets happening from what is in the copied midi track.
What is the way to go. I use Studio One.

Thanks for your insights!


DAW: Studio One 6.2 Pro
Interfaces: StudioLive AR12c, Scarlett 8i6
Windows 11 Professional
AMD Ryzen 9 4900H, 16GB, 3,30 GHz