Marty, Bob, Robert and rayc:

Thanks for the listen, kind comments and feedback. Really appreciate you giving it a spin and so happy it seems to work.

Bob: Tom Petty was who I had in mind as I started putting music to Carroll’s original lyric—glad it came through some.

Robert: Carroll would agree—he said the bridge is his favorite part as well. From a production standpoint, I really wanted to change things a bit musically, and that’s what I was shooting for with the more prominent piano in that section.

rayc: You called out my least favorite part of the song—that back end of the solo. I think I’ve been trying to convince myself it works and while serviceable, it’s not ideal. I went back in, generated some multi-riffs, and replaced the back third of the solo. Still not exactly what I would like, but I think better. Thanks for the comment and giving me some needed motivation!

My best to you all,
