Watch the video so that the 73 page PDF will make sense. Mac users need 20 or so paged while Windows users need around 60 of them.

Zoom Explained

In brief: If you're outputting from BIAB, you have to feed the Zoom Audio Driver—read the above. Doable and a bit of a PIA, especially for Windows.

If you save the output as a WAV or mp3, you can play that through Computer Audio, Mac & Win — infinitely easier. Same with Mp4 and MOV files through screen sharing (make sure you check the box for Computer Audio).

I've been making music over Xoom over a year. Nowadays, music examples are pre-recorded. I'm sick and tired of Zoom Audio. One of the many problems is that Zoom updates often change things and rarely for the better — and if they screw up, the next update changes things again.

Your Focusrite interface doesn't matter. It can be anything once you understand how things work.

Good luck!

BIAB 2023 Audiophile, 24/60 Core M2 Mac Studio Ultra/8TB/192GB Sonoma, M1 MBAir, 2012 MBP
Digital Performer 11, LogicPro
Finale27.4, Dorico5, Encore5, SmartScorePro64, Notion6, Overture5