Originally Posted By: Tangmo
A 2TB thumb drive is almost 50 dollars on Amazon.

A 50-dollar 2tb flash drive is likely a fake - scammers modify the drive's table of contents so that it looks bigger than it is, but it won't actually store 2tb of data. "Real" 2tb flash drives cost hundreds if not thousands more.

Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
They are definitely not worthless. They can and should be re-purposed for backups, even if it's only to make a copy of the children's photo album. Don't even think of 'chucking them', create backups of all of your critical / treasured files files.

My rule: everyone will suffer a catastrophic disk failure one day. Be prepared.

I was taught in college that, as a professional, if you don't have 5 copies of your file you don't have any. Backup backup backup!

I work here