Hi Bob
Thanks for your time.
Re: _FUNKS16.sty

1. Audition the style in Stylepicker. No problem all 4 instruments play.
2. Select the style for a new song. No chords entered.
3. There is already a C in the first bar as normal
4. A diaglog box opens. The cursor in blue over *.ST2 at the bottom. The top bar is my drive etc.
5. Across the other side at the bottom is ST@ files. Under this Open. Cancel
6. Click open nothing happens. Click cancel the diaglog box disappears and the countdown starts
7. The Bass, Piano and Drums play but no guitar.
8. I just wasted $US 31.90 and downloaded Real Tracks 241 again thinking the guitar bit might be corrupted.
9. No luck
10 Any ideas???