I got the board in a pile of stuff in a basket...lol Everything else I built. Replaced and modified 80% of the components.

If you like amps with a zillion knobs (20 control knobs just on the front) and switches and is super sensitive to the smallest amount of knob movement, you will love this beast. This is not your dad's Mesa Boogie...lol

Five switches on the foot switch. Two Celestion G12T-85 speakers in custom cabinet. EL844 tubes that were custom made tubes in 2009 from JJ Electronics in Cadca Slovakia. That reduced the output from each tube to 9 watts from 12 watts for standard EL84's The amp will run with the EL84"s but has to be re biased.
Yes...I know I have been crazy for some time now...lol Plug BIAB into this amp and turn it up on 14 to introduce the whole neighborhood to BIAB...lol

Last edited by Planobilly; 04/16/21 07:08 PM.

New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo