Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
I have several "amps" that I use.

They are, in no particular order, my Mesa Boogie Studio 22 watt amp. I used it a lot on stage with several bands and it still kicks after all these years. I also have a relatively new (last year) Positive Grid Spark modeler. Allegedly it has 40 watts out to 2 4" speakers. A number of models in it from breaking glass clean to nasty metal grunge. And everything in between. I think they list 10k different configurations possible with the models and pedals available as factory default. I've just started using this as my main studio amp. And of course, my old trusty Pod2 from Line 6. It has limited models and a few FX and has been a great studio amp as it is totally silent. Direct out only into the interface. I can listen through the speakers in my studio rig or headphones.

Mesa https://app.box.com/s/23s64w6dm5n6f70132t33ao3pcvzmo1t

Spark & Pod2 https://app.box.com/s/xdoiqvsnxjp1tuyri5fyfwh6pnzj4nmr

I don't know why the pics are not displaying for me. Hummmmmmm... I used the PHOTO Icon..... hope you can see them or access the box files.

Back in the day I use to play through a Super Reverb. Clubs were bigger, people were more tolerant of loud blues and Rock. No cops standing in the street with a dB gun checking the volume level. For all the advances in electronics nothing sounds like a Fender cranked up on 10.

As time went by and there were requirements to play at lower volume levels I started experimenting with lower wattage amps. I had a Zinky Blue Velvet at around 25 watts but it was still loud as hell. Great sounding amp. I am trying to find one but no luck so far. I guess I could call Bruce and beg him to build me one. Two Rock makes a good amp but kindy pricey. I also like the sound of a Supro and I want to build one if I can find the proper output transformer.

As I got older I also got really tired of lugging around things like Twin Reverbs, B3 organs. I miss the sound but not the back breaking work. Same with a Les Paul, they can produce a really cool sustained sound that I was never able to get from any other guitar. Well...four sets on Saturday night with that hanging around my neck....no thanks.

We have very good PA systems now days so if the amp is not loud enough mic the damn thing through the PA.

There is really no answer to being jammed up on a tiny little stage without a mic on everything and a in ear monitor system with your own control panel.

No single amp will do everything well. Good excuse to buy more amps...lol


EDIT: Wonderful news. I just got off the phone with Bruce Zinky and he said he would send me the part to build a Blue Velvet. They don't make that amp any longer but he said he has enough parts left over to put one together. Fun stuff.

Last edited by Planobilly; 04/20/21 06:33 AM.

New location, new environment, new music coming soon

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