i normally dont comment on political aspects.
cos often there arent perfect solutions..
and the arguments just go round n round.
particularly related to social services//welfare support
and health care.

all i can relate is when i was young growing up in england what my gran
once told me.
viz..before social services and health care was implemented
in the uk..the poor lived in terrible circumstances often.
often in poorhouses or workhouses as they were called.
really times were appalling for lots of people in
the victorian era for example.

britain realised a long time ago for example..
if govt cuts income support for people on welfare with kids
often the crime rate goes up cos desperate people do desperate things.
in the past the poor just often died either thru malnutrition or
thru no access to good health care cos no money.
thus britain implemented various income support n health care programs.
and also various programs for the elderly.
is it perfect ?? nope.
never will be...but at least the dreadfull conditions for the poor
of the victorian era dont exist.
(for example ponder this...in the victorian era many women
had to go "on the game" to feed themselves. cos no money.
happens today too. very sad imho.)

ive had many americans as friends and have always respected
the usa..particularly as they helped england so much in ww2.
(and canada also helped of course.)..but it has concerned me in the
past as an inhabitant of this crazy planet how one finds in some places
huge mansions then a few miles away social problems n poverty.
a social diachotemy.

pertaining to this thread only the other day i was talking to
a wealthy person i met by chance.
a strident capitalist. who believed in...
"the market..may the best man/woman win and tough luck on the losers".
till i politely pointed out ...
"what if it was your great grand child in the future that needed
a leg up or help or whatever ??". this made him think.
he had no answer. particularly at the prospect that in
the future a member of a future generation in his family might have to go
"on the game" cos they were in dire straits.
often wealthy people can only relate in this fashion.

no matter how many posts in this thread n differing opinions ,
strong or otherwise //pro's n cons etc...
there are many problems in this world with no perfect solutions.
cos its like sealing a balloon at one point to solve a problem only
to have a leak occur in another part of the social balloon.
some of the best minds in england have attempted to solve these deep societal problems..
so i will be interested if this thread can.
all i pray for , is, somehow.. everyone one day in the world will be happy.
but then i'm a romantic..lol.

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