ponder this.
i went to a very fine grammar school in england.
it was a boarding school..(cos my parents worked overseas
at the time.)and a tad unique.
it was a mixture from the wealthy classes thru middle n working n very poor.
the boarding fees were based on parents income..
then if i remember there were also scholarships so that poor kids families
paid nothing. the wealthy paid the most.
i was from a typical middle income family.
so the fees were middling i guess.

now heres whats interesting from a social standpoint.
according to many social scientists ive had discussions with..
poverty breeds crime n anti social behaviour.
yet..interestingly enough at the school some of the most sadistic
and bullying types were from the wealthy end of the spectrum.
and some of the nicest from the poor end of the spectrum.
thus i often have pondered whether in fact ones "goodness"
or "evil" is based on ones genes rather than ones surroundings
one has been brought up in.
cos at uni a very good friend of mine
was from a very wealthy family but had a heart of gold.
many diachotemies.
(ps ..when in time my group became prefects//seniors at the school..
we banned all the old hazeing rituals , the bullying,
and daft stuff like seniors makeing juniors polish their shoes etc etc.)

i take your point mate re church/family help..
but this was tried in the victorian era in england.
with many failures.
one being that family often didnt have the money/resources to help,
and the other being the church becoming overloaded.
the churches only have so much resources at their disposal.
it was the dirty thirties that bred many of the social initiatives
in england.
frankly the whole thing is a quagmire.
in england it was always said the wealthy have their tax havens to protect em,
and the middle clsses pay for everything.
right now in the uk newspapers are tons of articles on what is termed
"the beleagured middle classes" who cant save like the wealthy
due to a slanted tax system.
george orwells statement is rather interesting in animal farm.
"all men are created equal but some more so than others".
twas ever thus and ever will be.

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