
On the issue of 'family' helping, Quebec has a fairly new unique way of doing that. If the family is functional, and an adult child has no job, that person, be they 18 to 50, must return and live with the family. Here, they just get welfare and health care. The same goes for their seniors, if they can be cared for at home, one of the children must take them, and the others pay some of the cost.

If there are issues with needing a home nurse or whatever, the province provides that assistance in the home.

Ideologically I like the approach of families dealing with their children and older parents instead of turning them over to institutions.

I figure that by the time I am that age, and theres no pension money left, some slick poilitician will make a very eloquent law stating that old people have the right to die, and they'll gather us all up and make sure we do. The movement will probably be funded by Soylent GreenPeace.