alan S.
re milton friedman//free markets.
exactly mate.
you might be interested to know i had an exchange in the past year with
a govt mandarin about the free trade topic.
he trotted out all the normal stuff n homolies bout free trade.
to which i replied...and you might like this cos uk has the same
problem..(notice the rise of pound stores selling imported stuff
and employing people on the cheap ??)...
i said.."when your retired in the future and your grankids come to you and
say they cant find a decent paying job and are stuck on welfare
cos there is no manufacturing left in canada;
you can always sit him/her on your imported sofa, watching the imported
tv, and sleep on the imported bed...etc etc"..
answer..there was no response. point made.

lets not forget central banks in all of this mess.
typically staffed by economists n theoreticians whove never
ever built a product in their lives. and who dont seem
to understand the importance of industrial strategy in building
strong job/wage growth.
the bank of england is a joke imho. as an example.
because of their policies the major employers in uk are
financial institutions. (being bailed out.).
my major tenet is you cant run a country on just financial institution jobs.
you need a strong manufacturing base..but the good ole B of E ,
(and the bank of canada) have failed to grasp this important fact imho.
but can still buy marmite here in canada..

frankly alan..
one has to step back cos i think its all geopolitics
the poor are being caught in.
viz big games tween govts.
my theory is manufacturing moved to the far east
due to big picture western govt geopolitics.
ie..western govts were concerned bout millions of people needing jobs
in the far east. irrespective of lots of
people in western countries ending up on welfare.
gotta see the big picture in all of this.

retired puter engr....powertracks on amd......NICE !
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my silly
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