Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
ALT codes have been around a long time. Your multilingual abilities will be very useful here smile

Me? I mainly speak three languages: USA English, English English, and Australian English. Well OK, and a very little Mandarin, Italian, Greek and Malaysian, but I am proficient mostly in those three main English languages. wink

You forgot Canadian English!

Originally Posted By: eddie1261
I speak Mexican (food). I speak Italian (food). I speak German (food).

I speak all of those, as well as Canadian (food) because I'm sure you'll all agree that poutine is delicious.

Realistically, I pretty well only speak English (preferably English English as I've got triple citizenship for Canada, England, and Ireland), though I can read enough French to get by. I took some Spanish in high school as well, but I don't remember enough of it to be useful.

I work here