Originally Posted By: Chantelle - PG Music
Hi biab-user! We tried replicating what happened, entering a chord and pressing the space bar before clicking away from the bar, and it played no problem and no crash. But we also have build 832 installed. You can download and install it from here: - https://www.pgmusic.com/support_windowsupdates.htm#832

The song must be saved as either an SGU or MGU file on your computer to access it. The program does not save automatically.

I did check for updates yesterday via BIAB and did not see any!

Anyway, I did redo the work, making sure I saved on every 10 bars of input. This made me apprehensive. BIAB could do with Auto Backups on every 5 minutes, just like Reaper DAW. Not that Reaper is unreliable, infact I have only experienced a program crash ONCE in about 7 years of use, and ONCE it wouldn't load the project due to a corrupted project file. The AUTO Backup saved the day! These backups use very small file sizes, hence you can have a hundred in a day, without affecting HDD space much. Even then, after the project is complete, I can manually delete most of them if I want too, but they are handy to go back several days if needed.
Having the reliability of the program and a solid backup makes me want to use the application more, unlike with BIAB, just the opposite infact.