Originally Posted By: Simon - PG Music
Billy - looks like you used pad-per-hole board. While not a bad choice, I personally find it much easier to use veroboard/stripboard as any horizontal connection is done for you. These are quite commonly used by DIY guitar pedal builders, myself included. Take a look at this site for some examples: http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/

Generally speaking though, I usually use plain copper clad board and do the iron on transfer/ferric chloride etching route for my electronics projects. I'm also looking into having some professional PCB's produced once I finish a couple things I'm currently designing.

Thanks Simon

I will take a look at the material you are talking about and order some to give it a try. The last board I used worked well for the op-amp. I had to solder jump between some of the holes because they were to small to fit more than two things in one hole. That is difficult and requires precise soldering technique to do...not so easy and yes I know how but it is a PITB.

I made some experimental PCBs a long time ago with acid etching which was a lot of work and nasty chemicals to deal with.

I have a small CNC milling machine that I could easily cut through a copper clad board with extreme precision. The programing for that is also a PITB...lol

I know Gcode well but...

Anyway we should keep in contact about the PCB issues.



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Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo